Join Us Application for New Student Membership

Thank you for your interest in joining the Oregon State ITE Student Chapter!
As a student member of ITE, you will have the opportunity to be involved in all Oregon State ITE events, both on and off the Oregon State University campus. Students must be a member of Oregon State ITE for the chapter to use its resources to help them travel to activities and events off campus. 
To be a member, simply fill out the Membership Form below, as well as joining on ideal logic and the mailing list Student members can renew their membership every year on October 1st at the start of the school year. The Oregon State University Fall Term starts at the end of September, in which the OSU ITE student chapter will have a membership drive. Renewal entails completing a mandatory Membership Update Form.   
Join on Ideal Logic: HERE (Required)
Join our Mailing list: HERE
In addition to being a student member of Oregon State ITE, we highly encourage you to become an official student member of the greater ITE International organization here: Official ITE membership at this level includes access to an immense supply of resources and numerous connections with over 15,000 transportation professionals locally and worldwide.